High Purity Li-B-Mg (Li-B) Alloy for Thermal Battery Materials (Li-B-Mg)

Модель №.

Ли:B:мг 64:32:4 or 54: 42: 4

Thermal Battery Materials


Phase Composition
The Main Phase Structure Li7b6+Li

Heat Stability
600°c There Is No Leakage of Lithium

Silver Gray


Скорость разряда
High Discharge Rate

Split-Shaped Battery

Car, Electric Power, Электрический велосипед

Транспортный пакет
Standard Liquid Protection Pack

Технические характеристики
Li-B-Mg/(Li-B) Alloy

Товарный знак


Производственная мощность


>>> The specifications of Li-B-Mg alloy(Li-B-Mg alloy):
Ли: B: мг 64: 32: 4 or 54: 42: 4

High Purity Li-B-Mg (Li-B) Alloy for Thermal Battery Materials (Li-B-Mg)High Purity Li-B-Mg (Li-B) Alloy for Thermal Battery Materials (Li-B-Mg)
>>> Besides, We also can supply others(Li-B-Mg alloy):
1. Lithium silicon alloy(Li-Si alloy): Ли: 44% И: 56%
2. Lithium aluminium alloy(Li-Al alloy). Ли: 20% / 27% Ал: 80% / 73%
3. Li-B alloy: Ли: 90% / 80% B: 10% / 20%
4. Оксид лития(Ли2О): 99% purity
5. Cobalt disulfide(CoS2): 99.5% purity
6. Электролит: Eutectic Slat(LiCL-KCL/MGO)
7. FeS2 powder

>>>We also can supply others(Li-B-Mg alloy):
1. )full set of lithium battery materials, включая:
LiMn2O4, LTO, LiNiMnCoO2(НМЦ), LiCoO2, Graphite(МКМБ)и другой катод&материалы анодной батареи;
Alumimun foil, медная фольга, сепаратор батареи, так далее.
2. )full set of lithium battery equipments, например:
Mixing machine –машина для нанесения покрытий–печь–прокатная машина–сварочный аппарат–разрезание / машина для резки –намоточная машина–герметичная машина, так далее.
3)full set of lithium battery technology
We can design the laboratory and production line, по желанию клиента.

>>> The Bolivia project(Li-B-Mg alloy):
In 2013, our Bolivia Project for EV batery production line has completed successfully.
We Gelon LIB Group offer one-stop service for Bolovia from establishing the battery making factory, supply li ion battery materials and equipment, technology supportUntil produce the EV battery and gain the final successful.
Bolivia president and goverment gave a full support and confirm.
And our next project for Indonisia will start this year.

>>>contact information(Li-B-Mg alloy)
High Purity Li-B-Mg (Li-B) Alloy for Thermal Battery Materials (Li-B-Mg)

Inspection Item Request Inspection result Judgement
Появление silver gray silver gray qualified
Li content ( % ) 54± 2 54.91 qualified
Mg content ( % ) 4± 0.5 3.98 qualified
Плотность ( g/cm 3 ) 0.88± 0.04 0.89 qualified
P hase composition The main phase structure

Ли 7 B 6 +Ли

The main phase structure

Ли 7 B 6 +Ли

Heat stability 600°С

There is no leakage of lithium

/ qualified