Tbyl Series Three-Phase Asynchronous Electric/Electrical AC Motor

Modelo NÃO.

Number of Poles
2, 4, 6

Starting Mode
Variable Frequency Starting

ISO9001, CCC


Rated Frequency
50Hz, 60Hz

Rated Voltage
380V or Any Voltage Between 220V-760V

Protection Class
IP44, IP54, IP55

Cooling Method


Fujian, China

Código HS

Capacidade de produção
3200 Conjuntos por mês


TBYL series three-phase induction motors, developed with new techniques, are renewal and upgrading products of Y series.
TBYL series motors are defined as totally enclosed, fan cooled, squirrel cage type and noted for their novel design, beautiful modelling, estrutura compacta, low noise, alta eficiência, large torque, excellent starting performance, easy service, etc. The motors are
Adopted with F class insulation and designed with assessing method for insulation system according to international practice, it enhances greatly safety and reliability of motors.
TBYL series motors can be widely used as driving equipment of various machineries, same as, machine tools, blowers, pumps, compressors, transporters, agricultural and food processing.
Operating conditions:
Ambient temperature:-15C<θ<40C
Altitude: not exceed 1000m
Rated voltage:380V or any voltage between 220V-760V
Rated frequency: 50Hz,60Hz
Protection class:IP44,IP54,IP55
Insulation class: B,F
Cooling method: IC0141
Connection: Star-connection for up to 3kW,
Delta-connection for 4kW and above.
Technical Data:

Modelo Saída Speed(r.p.m) Eff.(%) Power factor (cos<p) Rated current(UMA) Rated Torque Num lst/ln Tst/Tn
KW HP 380 400 415
TBYL-801-2 0.75 1 2875 77.4 0.83 1.77 1.68 1.62 2.49 5.30 2.5 3
TBYL-802-2 1.1 1.5 2875 79.6 0.84 2.50 2.37 1.29 3.65 7.00 3.2 3.8
TBYL-90S-2 1.5 2 2890 81.3 0.84 3.32 3.16 3.04 4.96 7.10 2.7 3.5
TBYL-90L-2 22 3 2890 83.2 0.85 4.72 4.48 4.32 7.27 6.90 2.4 3
TBYL-100L-2 3 4 2891 84.6 0.87 6.17 5.86 5.65 9.91 8.00 3.2 4
TBYL-112M-2 4 5.5 2914 85.8 0.88 8.04 7.64 7.36 13.11 7.50 2.5 3
TBYL-132S1-2 S.S 7.5 2937 87.0 0.86 11.2 10.6 10.2 17.88 7.50 2.7 3.5
TBYL-132S2-2 7S 10 2940 88.1 0.88 14.6 13.9 13.4 24.36 7.50 2.4 3.3
TBYL-1601-2 11 15 2930 89.4 0.89 21.0 19.9 19.2 35.85 7.60 2.2 2.9
TBYL-160M2-2 15 20 2930 90.3 0.89 28.4 26.9 26.0 48.89 7.60 2.3 3
TBYL-160L-2 18.5 25 2937 90.9 0.89 34.7 33.0 31.8 60.15 7.40 2.3 3.1
TBYL-180M-2 22 30 2940 91.3 0.88 41.6 39.5 38.1 71.46 7.80 2.8 3.2
TBYL-200L1-2 30 40 2950 92.0 0.88 56.2 53.4 51.5 97.12 7.80 2.6 3
TBYL-200L2-2 37 50 2950 92.5 0.89 68.2 64.8 62.5 119.78 7.70 2.6 3
TBYL-225M-2 45 60 2960 92.9 0.89 82.5 78.4 75.6 145.19 7.50 2.4 2.6
TBYL-250M-2 55 75 2965 93.2 0.90 99.5 94.5 91.1 177.15 7.10 2.3 2.8
TBYL-280S-2 75 100 2970 93.8 0.90 135 128 123 241.16 7.40 2.5 2.8
TBYL-280M-2 90 125 2970 94.1 0.91 160 152 146 289.39 7.60 2.8 2.8
TBYL-315S-2 110 150 2975 94.3 0.91 194 185 178 353.11 6.90 24 2.8
TBYL-315M-2 132 180 2975 94.6 0,91 233 221 213 423.73 7.10 2.6 2.9
TBYL-315L1-2 160 200 2975 94.8 0.92 278 265 255 513.61 7.10 2.5 2.9
TBYL-315L2-2 200 270 2975 95.0 0.92 348 330 318 642.02 6.90 2.5 2.8
TBYL-355M-2 250 340 2980 95.0 0.92 434 412 398 801.17 7.00 2.5 2.8
TBYL-355L-2 315 430 2980 95.0 0.92 547 520 501 1009.48 7.00 2.5 2.9
TBYL-802-4 0.75 1 1400 79.6 0.76 1.88 1.79 1.72 5.12 5 2.4 2.9
TBYL-90S-4 1.1 1.5 1440 81.4 0.77 2.66 2.53 2.44 7.3 6 3 3.5
TBYL-90L-4 1.5 2 1445 82.8 0.77 3.57 3.39 3.27 9.91 6.8 3.2 3.8
TBYL-100L1-4 2.2 3 1440 84.3 0.81 4.88 4.64 4.47 14.6 7 3 3.5
TBYL-100L2-4 3 4 1140 85.5 0.82 6.50 6.18 5.95 19.9 7S 2.6 33
TBYL-112M-4 4 5.5 1445 86.6 0.82 8.55 8.12 7.83 26.4 7 3.5 4
TBYL-1 B2S-4 5.5 7.5 1455 87.7 0.83 11.5 10.9 10.5 36.1 6.4 2.2 2.8
TBYL-132M-4 7.5 10 1455 88.7 0.84 15.3 14.5 14.0 49.2 7 2.4 3
TBYL-160M-4 11 15 1460 89.8 0.84 22.1 21.0 20.3 71.9 6.9 2.5 2.9
TBYL-160L-4 15 20 1460 90.6 0.85 29.6 28.1 27.1 98.1 7.5 2.5 3
TBYL-180M-4 18.5 25 1470 91.2 0.86 35.8 34.0 32.8 120.2 7,8 2.6 3.1
TBYL-180L-4 22 30 1470 91 0.86 42.3 40.2 38.7 142.9 7.5 2.2 2.3
TBYL-200L-4 30 40 1470 92.3 0.86 57.3 54.4 52.5 194.9 7.1 2.4 2.9
TBYL-225S-4 37 50 1480 92.7 0.87 69.7 66.2 63.8 238.8 7.5 2.5 2.7
TBYL-225M-4 45 60 1480 93.1 0.87 84.3 80.1 77.2 290.4 7.6 2.5 2.8
TBYL-250M-4 55 75 1480 93.5 0.87 103 97.5 94 354.9 7.3 2.6 2.7
TBYL-280S-4 75 100 1480 94.0 0.87 139 132 127 484 7.6 2.7 2.7
TBYL-280M-4 90 125 1480 94.2 0.87 167 158 153 580.7 7.5 2.7 2.7
TBYL-315S-4 110 150 1485 94.5 0.88 201 191 184 707.4 7.1 2.7 2.9
TBYL-315M-4 132 180 1485 94.7 0.88 240 228 220 88.9 7.3 27 2.9
TBYL-315L1-4 160 200 1485 94.9 0.89 288 273 263 1029 7.4 3 3
TBYL-315L2-4 200 270 1485 95.1 0.89 359 341 B28 1286 7.6 3 3
TBYL-355M-4 250 340 1490 95.1 0.90 443 421 406 1602 7.5 2.8 2.9
TBYL-355L-4 315 430 1490 95.1 0.90 559 531 511 2019 7.4 2.6 2.8
TBYL-90S-6 0.75 1 934 75.9 0.72 2.08 1.98 1.9 7.67 4.5 2.2 2.4
TBYL-90L-6 1.1 1.5 945 78.1 0.72 2.97 2.82 2.72 11.1 4.5 2.4 2.6
TBYL-100L-6 1.5 2 945 79.8 0.75 3.8 3.61 3.48 15.2 4.2 1.8 2.2
TBYL-112M-6 2.2 3 960 81.8 0.76 5.37 5.1 4.92 21.9 4.5 2.3 2.8
TBYL-132S-6 3 4 964 83.3 0.76 7.19 6.8B 6.58 29.7 4.5 1.8 2.4
TBYL-132M1-6 4 5.5 965 84.6 0.76 9.43 8.96 8.63 39.6 5.0 2.3 2.7
TBYL-132M2-6 5.5 7.5 965 96 0.77 12.6 12 11.5 54.4 5.5 1.9 2.8
TBYL-160M-6 7.5 10 970 87.2 0.78 16.7 15.9 15.3 73.8 6.5 2 3
TBYL-160L-6 11 15 970 88.7 0.78 24.1 22.9 22.1 108.3 7.5 2.4 3.3
TBYL-180L-6 15 20 975 89.7 0.81 31.4 29.8 28.7 146.9 6.4 2 2.7
TBYL-200L1-6 18.5 25 980 90.4 0.81 38.3 36.4 35.1 180.3 7 2.3 3
TBYL-200L2-6 22 30 980 90.9 0.83 44.3 42 40.5 214.4 7 2.3 2.8
TBYL-225M-6 30 40 980 91.7 0.84 59.2 56.2 54.2 292.3 6.5 2.2 2.7
TBYL-250M-6 37 50 980 92.2 0.86 70.8 67.3 64.8 360.6 6.9 2.5 2.7
TBYL-280S-6 45 60 980 92.7 0.86 85.8 81.5 78.5 438.5 7 2.2 2.4
TBYL-280M-6 55 75 980 93.1 0.86 104 99.2 95.6 536 7.1 2.4 2.5
TBYL-315S-6 75 100 985 93.7 0.86 141 134 129 727.2 7.3 2.8 3
TBYL-315M-6 90 125 985 94 0.86 169 160 155 872.6 7.1 2.7 2.9
TBYL-315L1-6 110 150 985 94.3 0.86 206 196 189 1066 7.4 2.9 2.9
TBYL-315L2-6 132 180 985 94.6 0.87 243 231 223 1280 7.6 3 3.1
TBYL-355M1-6 160 200 990 94.8 0.88 291 277 267 154B 7.6 3.1 3.1
TBYL-355M2-6 200 270 990 95 0.88 363 345 333 1929 7.8 3 3
TBYL-355L-6 250 340 990 95 0.88 454 432 416 2412 7.7 3.1 3