Electric Arc Furnace Serial Furnace Reactor 30mva Three Phase Oil Immersed Iron Core Serial Reactor

Modèle NON.

Code SH

Capacité de production

La description

Specialized in the design and construction of industrial transformers

*• Through-put rating up to 150 MVAr

In electric arc furnaces, which use long arcs and high values of secondary voltage, it is often helpful to introduce an additional reactor with the purpose of:

  • Arc stability and power regulation
  • Optimisation electrodes consumption
  • Limitation of current during smelting process
  • Reduction of flicker on the feeding network.

The reactors are series connected with the furnace transformers and have some regulation taps (for the reactance regulation) operated with either an onload tap changer (OLTC), for maximum flexibility, or with a de-energized tap changer (DETC).

The reactor can be assembled:

  • Inside the main transformer tank
  • Entirely separated from the transformer
  • Located next to the transformer (On Board Reactor).

In the OBR (On Board Reactor) solution, the reactor and the transformer are linked by a removable cable duct.

  • Extends equipment lifecycle due to reduced unstable arc furnace currents
  • High mechanical strength withstands elevated forces caused by elevated switching currents
  • Tap adjustment is possible
  • Inductance of the reactor is frequently variable and requires large adjustment steps
  • Conservative temperature rise ensures extended service life
  • Surface treatment protects against UV radiation and pollution
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Maintenance-free design
  • Auxillary voltage for power circuits 220 Vac, 50 Hz , 3 phase
    Control Voltage 24 Vdc
    Tension nominale 34.5 KV 50 Hz, 3 phase
    Rated capacity 51.840 MVAr
    Courant nominal 2400 UN
    X ( Ω/phase ) 3Ω
    Insulation level ( 1U,1V,1W ) 95/250 KV BIL
    Vector Group iii
Maximum allowable temperature rise for oil 60 K
Maximum allowable temperature rise for winding 65 K
Number of positions 7 ( pos1: 0 Ω, po2: 0.5 Ω, pos3: 1Ω , pos4: 1.5 Ω, pos5: 2 Ω, pos6: 2.5 Ω, pos7: 3 Ω,
Tap changer mechanism On-load tap changer, MR brand
Oil filter equipment for OLTC All diverter switch compartments oil will be circulated through a filter circuit equipped with filter clogged electrical signal.
Shell and tube heat exchangers double wall type, quantity two , each with %100 capacité de refroidissement. Inlet water temperature: 35 C. 2 oil circulation pumps. Temperature and flow indicators both for oil and water circuits
Reactor condition monitoring Oil level indicators for expansion tanks, oil and winding temparature indicators.
Reactor protection Bucholz relay with relevant alarm and trip contact connections. Pressure relief valve for tank over pressure protection, equipped with trip contact.

Electric Arc Furnace Serial Furnace Reactor 30mva Three Phase Oil Immersed Iron Core Serial Reactor