Product description:Custom 7 Segment glucose meter LCD display
Μέγεθος:42.72 x 59.26 x 2.75mm
LCD type: Digit lcd
Display mode: Negtive/yransmissive
LCD Size: 42.72 x 59.26 x 2.75mm
Viewing area: 2.4-inch
Θερμοκρασία: -20 to +70
IC: ILI9325 or EQU
Backlight: White LED
Μέγεθος:42.72 x 59.26 x 2.75mm
LCD type: Digit lcd
Display mode: Negtive/yransmissive
LCD Size: 42.72 x 59.26 x 2.75mm
Viewing area: 2.4-inch
Θερμοκρασία: -20 to +70
IC: ILI9325 or EQU
Backlight: White LED