0.3 Inch Four Digit 7 Segment SMD LED Display

Αριθμός Μοντέλου.


Εμπορικό σήμα


Κωδικός HS

Παραγωγική ικανότητα


1. What is the size detail and circuit?

Multiplex Internal circuits:
0.3 Inch Four Digit 7 Segment SMD LED Display
2. Summary:

Digit Height: 0.3 inch digit height
Available Emitting color: Κόκκινος, yellow-green, orange, amber, κίτρινος, pure green, blue, white
Available Face color: Κόκκινος, white, grey, and black.
Available Segment Color: Κόκκινος, white (milky),water clear, and yellow.
Available Electrode: Common anode or common cathode

3. What emitting color you can have?

Part No. Chip IV@IF=20mA
Common Cathode Υλικό Χρώμα WLD One Seg
LSD3040BR-G LSD3040AR-G AlGaInP Super Red 640nm 3
LSD3040BUR-G LSD3040AUR-G AlGaInP Ultra Red 620 9
LSD3040BO-G LSD3040AO-G AlGaInP Orange 605 5
LSD3040BY-G LSD3040AY-G AlGaInP Yellow 580 5
LSD3040BG-G LSD3040AG-G AlGaInP Yellow green 570nm 3
LSD3040BPG-G LSD3040APG-G InGaN Pure Green 520nm 15
LSD3040BB-G LSD3040AB-G InGaN Blue 470nm 11
LSD3040BW-G LSD3040AW-G InGaN Λευκό x0.27 y0.25 30
Unit: nm mcd

4. What max voltage and current you can use to drive it?

Χρώμα Electrical Characteristics[1] Absolute Maximum Ratings[1]
VF@ IF=20mA[2] Reverse
Power Dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current[3]
Typ. Μέγ.
Super Red 1.9 2.6 30 60 20 100
Ultra Red 2.0 2.6 30 65 20 100
Orange 2.0 2.6 30 65 20 100
Yellow 2.0 2.6 30 65 20 100
Yellow green 2.1 2.6 30 75 20 100
Pure Green 3.0 3.6 30 110 20 100
Blue 3.0 3.6 30 120 20 100
Λευκό 3.0 3.6 30 120 20 100
Unit: V V uA mW mA mA

5. How do we produce?
0.3 Inch Four Digit 7 Segment SMD LED Display