Cisco SFP Modules 10g-Lr-S Compatible, 10gbase-Lr SFP+ 1310nm 10km Dom Transceiver

Modell Nr.

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100, 000 Per Year


10Gbps 1310nm SFP+ Transceiver 10KM

Product Features

  • Up to 11.1Gbps Data Links
  • Up to 10km transmission on SMF
  • DFB Laser and PIN receiver
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • 2-wire interface with integrated Digital Diagnostic monitoring
  • Hot-pluggable SFP+ footprint
  • Specifications compliant with SFF 8472
  • Compliant with SFP+ MSA with LC connector
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • Case operating temperature range:0°C to 70°C
  • Power dissipation < 1.5 W


  • 10GBASE-LR/LW & 10G Ethernet


  • Compliant to SFF-8431
  • Compliant to SFF 8472
  • RoHS Compliant.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. max. Einheit Note
Storage Temperature Ts -40 85 °C
Relative Humidity RH 5 95 %
Power Supply Voltage VCC -0.3 4 v
Signal Input Voltage Vcc-0.3 Vcc+0.3 v

Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. max. Einheit Note
Case Operating Temperature Tcase 0 70 °C Without air flow
Power Supply Voltage VCC 3.14 3.3 3.47 v
Power Supply Current ICC 450 mA
Data Rate BR 10.3125 Gbps
Transmission Distance TD 10 km
Coupled fiber Single mode fiber 9/125um SMF

Optical Characteristics

Parameter Symbol Min Typ max Einheit NOTIZ
Output Opt. Leistung POUT -6 -0.5 dBm 1
Optical Wavelength λ 1260 1310 1355 nm
Spectral Width (-20dB) σ 1 nm
Optical Extinction Ratio ER 3.5 dB
Output Eye Mask Compliant with IEEE 802.3ae
Rx Sensitivity RSENS -14.4 dBm 2
Input Saturation Power (Overload) Psat 0.5 dBm
Wavelength Range λC 1270 1610 nm
LOS De -Assert LOSD -17 dBm
LOS Assert LOSA -30 dBm
LOS Hysteresis 0.5 1.0 dB


  1. Klasse 1 Laser Safety per FDA/CDRH and IEC-825-1 regulations.
  2. Measured with a PRBS 231-1 test pattern, @10.325Gb/s, BER<10-12 .

Electrical Characteristics

Parameter Symbol Min Typ max Einheit NOTIZ
Supply Voltage Vcc 3.14 3.3 3.46 v
Supply Current Icc 450 mA
Input differential impedance Rin 100 Ω 1
Single ended data input swing Vin,pp 180 700 mV
Transmit Disable Voltage VD Vcc-1.3 Vcc v
Transmit Enable Voltage VEN Vee Vee+ 0.8 v 2
Transmit Disable Assert Time 10 us
Differential data output swing Vout,pp 300 850 mV 3
Data output rise time tr 28 ps 4
Data output fall time tf 28 ps 4
LOS Fault VLOS fault Vcc-1.3 VccHOST v 5
LOS Normal VLOS norm Vee Vee+0.8 v 5
Power Supply Rejection PSR 100 mVpp 6


  1. Connected directly to TX data input pins. AC coupled thereafter.
  2. Or open circuit.
  3. Into 100 ohms differential termination.
  4. 20 – 80 %.
  5. Loss of Signal is LVTTL. Logic 0 indicates normal operation; logic 1 indicates no signal detected.
  6. Receiver sensitivity is compliant with power supply sinusoidal modulation of 20 Hz to 1.5 MHz up to specified value applied through the recommended power supply filtering network.

Pin Assignment

Pin out of Connector Block on Host Board

Pin Symbol Name/Description NOTIZ
1 vEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
2 TFAULT Transmitter Fault. 2
3 TDIS Transmitter Disable. Laser output disabled on high or open. 3
4 SDA 2-wire Serial Interface Data Line 4
5 SCL 2-wire Serial Interface Clock Line 4
6 MOD_ABS Module Absent. Grounded within the module 4
7 RS0 Rate Select 0 5
8 LOS Loss of Signal indication. Logic 0 indicates normal operation. 6
9 RS1 No connection required 1
10 vEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
11 vEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
12 RD- Receiver Inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
13 RD+ Receiver Non-inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
14 vEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
15 vCCR Receiver Power Supply
16 vCCT Transmitter Power Supply
17 vEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
18 TD+ Transmitter Non-Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
19 TD- Transmitter Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
20 vEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1


  1. Circuit ground is internally isolated from chassis ground.
  2. TFAULT is an open collector/drain output, which should be pulled up with a 4.7k – 10k Ohms resistor on the host board if intended for use. Pull up voltage should be between 2.0V to Vcc + 0.3V.A high output indicates a transmitter fault caused by either the TX bias current or the TX output power exceeding the preset alarm threshold. A low output indicates normal operation. In the low state, the output is pulled to <0.8v.
  3. Laser output disabled on TDIS >2.0V or open, enabled on TDIS <0.8v.
  4. Should be pulled up with 4.7kΩ- 10kΩ host board to a voltage between 2.0V and 3.6V. MOD_ABS pulls line low to indicate module is plugged in.
  5. Internally pulled down per SFF-8431 Rev 4.1.
  6. LOS is open collector output. It should be pulled up with 4.7kΩ – 10kΩ on host board to a voltage between 2.0V and 3.6V. Logic 0 indicates normal operation; logic 1 indicates loss of signal.

Digital Diagnostic Functions
The transceivers support the 2-wire serial communication protocol as defined in the SFP+ MSA.
The standard SFP serial ID provides access to identification information that describes the transceiver’s capabilities, standard interfaces, Hersteller, and other information.
Additionally, SFP+ transceivers provide a unique enhanced digital diagnostic monitoring interface, which allows real-time access to device operating parameters such as transceiver temperature, laser bias current, transmitted optical power, received optical power and transceiver supply voltage. It also defines a sophisticated system of alarm and warning flags, which alerts end-users when particular operating parameters are outside of a factory set normal range.
The SFP MSA defines a 256-byte memory map in EEPROM that is accessible over a 2-wire serial interface at the 8bit address 1010000X (A0h).The digital diagnostic monitoring interface makes use of the 8 bit address 1010001X (A2h), so the originally defined serial ID memory map remains unchanged.
The operating and diagnostics information is monitored and reported by a Digital Diagnostics Transceiver Controller (DDTC) inside the transceiver, which is accessed through a 2-wire serial interface. When the serial protocol is activated, the serial clock signal (SCL, Mod Def 1) is generated by the host. The positive edge clocks data into the SFP transceiver into those segments of the E2PROM that are not write-protected. The negative edge clocks data from the SFP transceiver. The serial data signal (SDA, Mod Def 2) is bi-directional for serial data transfer. The host uses SDA in conjunction with SCL to mark the start and end of serial protocol activation. The memories are organized as a series of 8-bit data words that can be addressed individually or sequentially.

Cisco SFP Modules 10g-Lr-S Compatible, 10gbase-Lr SFP+ 1310nm 10km Dom Transceiver
Cisco SFP Modules 10g-Lr-S Compatible, 10gbase-Lr SFP+ 1310nm 10km Dom TransceiverCisco SFP Modules 10g-Lr-S Compatible, 10gbase-Lr SFP+ 1310nm 10km Dom TransceiverCisco SFP Modules 10g-Lr-S Compatible, 10gbase-Lr SFP+ 1310nm 10km Dom Transceiver