LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

نموذج رقم.

هذه, ISO 9001

حزمة النقل


علامة تجارية


السعة الإنتاجية
10000قطعة / سنة


وصف المنتج

LiuGong aerial work platform has excellent performance in aerial work

1. Intelligent control system, real-time status monitoring, all-round protection of operation safety.
2. Real-time battery status monitoring to prevent battery loss from becoming a battery killer.
3. Fully automatic intelligent charger, scientifically plan the charging method and prolong the service life of the battery.
4. The platform descends proportionally, with good fretting and more stable descending.
5. Automatic pothole protection, anti-pinch protection, tilt protection, all action alarms.

غرض LSC1212DE height 14م
Max.paltform height 12م
Max.Platform Extension Length 0.9م
Rated Load on Working Platform 320كلغ
Safe Working Load on Extended Platform 120كلغ
Travel Speed (Stowed) 4كم/ساعة
Travel Speed (Raised) 0.7كم/ساعة
الأعلى. Occupants 2
Drive Motor 1.5كيلوواط
Battery 300اه
Charger 24V30A
Total Weight 3170
شهادة هذه
ماركة LiuGong
صور مفصلة

معلمات المنتج

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m
LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m


LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

التعبئة والتغليف & شحن

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

Company Profile

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m


LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12mLiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

Exhibition and Application

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m

LiuGong MEWP LSC1212DE Electric Sicssor Lift 12m